Is the UK eco-conscious grocery market really growing?

In November 2023, we conducted an online “qualitative” survey with 300 UK grocery shoppers. We asked respondents what factors were important to them when in a supermarket buying fruit or vegetables.

Instead of showing respondents a list of possible factors from which to select their answers, we asked them to write their answers in their own words. Below we outline what they said. We conclude that, if our research is correct, there are far fewer eco-conscious consumers than is widely believed.

Arguably, this would mean that the question about whether or not the eco-conscious market is growing is moot. The size of the market needs to be established first.

Below is a summary of respondents’ answers to our research.

Freshness, quality, appearance and price

Unsurprisingly, the most-mentioned factors were the freshness of the products, and the price. Both of these were mentioned by a little over 60% of respondents. The “quality” of products was mentioned by 31% of respondents and the look or appearance of products by 23%. Reference was made to how long the product looked like it would last (before going off) by 28%.

In addition, several respondents made reference to whether products were damaged or bruised, their condition, look, ripeness or firmness, how they felt or smelt, or whether they were in season.  One person was concerned about what chemicals were used to preserve the products.


So, what else did they write? Well, around 8% mentioned packaging. Within this, 2% specifically mentioned that they preferred products with less or no packaging, and 2% mentioned “plastic” packaging.  The remaining 4% who mentioned packaging were not specific about it, so some could have been referring to pack size. Either way, with regard to packaging being a factor, 92% did not mention it.

Environmental factors

3% of respondents mentioned the word “organic”. 1% of respondents mentioned carbon footprint, 1% made reference to products having been grown ethically and 1% mentioned sustainability. 1 person mentioned food miles and another mentioned environmental impact.


4% of the respondents mentioned that a factor was that produce was local, and a further 2% made reference to product being from the UK or Britain. In addition, another 4% of respondents said that the country or place of origin was a factor, though without specifying in what way.


In the outline above we have given the proportion of respondents who did mention certain factors, but we could equally have mentioned how many did not. For example, that 1% did mention carbon footprint means 99% did not. Equally, there are certain possible factors which were not mentioned at all, such as around farmer or grower welfare.

One might argue that some respondents were rushing through the questionnaire, and so did not mention certain relevant factors in their answers. However, we think this unlikely because our survey software prevents respondents from speeding in this way, and also requires them to give an answer of a certain length. There are also other quality control measures that we use.

The example answers below demonstrate that respondents thought properly about the question.

Freshness and good value and price.
Look of the item and firmness
The freshness of the products, the price.
quality, price and freshness of the products.
The freshness of the products and whether they look appealing also the cost.
The main things I consider are the price and the quality.
We buy the cheaper products and what I know my children will eat.
country of origin.Are they in season.what they look like..price.

So, from this research we conclude that the vast majority of UK respondents could not be described as “eco-conscious” when purchasing fruit or vegetables.

If this is a subject of particular interest to you why not get in touch? We can show you the questionnaire, and exactly how we did the research. We can even run it again with a larger sample size.