Sarah Downes

Director, MRQual Limited

Sarah Downes MRQual Quantitative Consumer Research

The best Quantitative research projects always start with thoughtful questionnaire and sample design.

You get out what you put in, as they say.

I thoroughly enjoy the process of planning and designing online surveys that get respondents to stop, think and open up about their true feelings. That’s where the magic is.

That’s why MRQual was established in 1997. To provide quantitative research enriched with qualitative substance.

So while it has become quite easy for anyone to quickly blast out an online survey and see what comes back, it makes you wonder about the missed insights and opportunities that go begging because of a lack of planning.

I’ve enjoyed over 15 years of managing qual and quant research projects. This has included qualitative groups and communities, as well as traditional hall tests and face-to-face qualitative projects in the UK and internationally.

My primary focus is questionnaire and sample design and I lead the analysis and presentation of results.

MRQual was founded by Richard Clark and Sarah Downes in 1997 to provide quantitative research enriched with qualitative substance

We were among the first to master online surveys.

We have over 25 years of experience across many qualitative and quantitative research domains.

Based in the United Kingdom, MRQual provides quantitative research and online surveys for brands across multiple regions and markets. Our largest online survey to date covered seventeen markets.

Our international research capabilities enable us to mobilise research in harder-to-reach markets.

Our expertise includes the following quantitative research methods…

  • Our testing surveys go beyond traditional surveys by delivering more definitive results, not least due to the added insight via verbatim answers, from targeted audiences.

  • Our U&A studies provide an in-depth understanding of markets in terms of purchasing and consumption behaviour, motivations, barriers and drivers.

  • We use the proven Van Westendorp and Gabor-Granger pricing research techniques to determine an ideal price point for your product. But we don’t stop there. We add in our own contextual questions to elicit high-quality answers.

  • Our brand research surveys enable respondents to express their thoughts and feelings regarding brands in their own words rather than the words used by brand owners.

  • Our customer satisfaction surveys deliver deep insights into the reasons for respondents’ levels of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

  • Our employee surveys achieve good response rates from year to year and deliver greater depth than the standard employee survey.

What is Quantitative research

with qualitative substance?